AIA | [US] Aerospace Industries Association |
ANDS | Afghanistan National Development Strategy |
APSC | Armed Private Security Contractor |
Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe | |
C3 | Command, Control, and Communications |
CAC | [UN] Convention Against Corruption |
CoC | Code of Conduct |
CoE | Council of Europe |
COIN | COunterINsurgency [operation] |
Corruption Perceptions Index | |
[OECD] Development Assistance Committee | |
DCAF | [Geneva Centre for the] Democratic Control of Armed Forces |
DoD | [U.S.] Department of Defense |
EAPC | Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council |
EBB | [EDA’s] Electronic Bulletin Board |
European Defence Agency | |
EU | European Union |
FY | Fiscal Year |
GCSP | Geneva Centre for Security Policy |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
Government Finance Statistics | |
GMC | [CoE] Multidisciplinary Group on Corruption |
HI | Humanitarian Intervention |
IANSA | International Action Network on Small Arms |
ICRC | International Committee of the Red Cross |
IDP | Internally Displaced Person |
IGO | Intergovernmental organisation |
IPAP | Individual Partnership Action Plan |
International Security Assistance Force (in Afghanistan) | |
IW | Irregular Warfare |
MoD | Ministry of Defence |
NAMSA | NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency |
NGO | Non-governmental organisation |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OMB | [US] Office of Management & Budget |
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe | |
Partnership Action Plan on Defence Institution Building | |
Public Expenditure & Financial Accountability | |
Private Finance Initiative | |
PFM | Public Financial Management |
Private Military Company | |
Private Military and Security Companies | |
PPBEA | Planning, Programming, Budgeting, Execution, and Assessment [system] |
Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System | |
Public-Private Partnership | |
PR | Public Relations |
Provincial Reconstruction Team | |
SIU | Special Investigating Unit |
Transparency International | |
TNI | Tentara Nasional Indonesia (the Indonesian Military) |
UN | United Nations |
USAID | US Agency for International Development |
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