Selected Resources
Official Documents
United Nations Convention Against Corruption (2004) Official translations of the Convention are available also in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish,
Criminal Law Convention on Corruption
Council of Europe, ETS No. 173 (1999),
Civil Law Convention on Corruption
Council of Europe, ETS No. 174 (1999),
Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and on the Financing of Terrorism
Council of Europe (2005),
Inter-American Convention Against Corruption
Organization of American States (1996),
International Code of Conduct for Public Officials
UN General Assembly Resolution 51/59 (1996),
Guides and Handbooks
UN Anti-Corruption Toolkit
The Global Programme Against Corruption, United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (3rd edition, 2004),
Best Practices in Combating Corruption
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (2004), Original in English; available also in Armenian, Azerbaijani, Macedonian, Russian, and Serbian,
Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector: Principles, Mechanisms and Practices
IPU-DCAF Handbook for Parliamentarians (2003), Orginal in English; available in more than 35 languages,
Security System Reform and Governance
OECD DAC Guidelines and Reference Series, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2005),
Handbook on Security System Reform: Supporting Security and Justice
DAC Guidelines and Reference Series, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2007),
Anti-Corruption Handbook: National Integrity System in Practice
Transparency International, project ACH,
The Anti-Corruption Plain Language Guide
Transparency International (2009),
A Handbook on Fighting Corruption
USAID Center for Democracy and Governance, February 1999,
Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption Risk in Defence Establishments: Ten Practical Reforms
Mark Pyman, Transparency International (2009),
World Bank Governance & Anti-Corruption Tools
The World Bank Institute, in collaboration with other units in the World Bank Group, supports countries in improving governance and controlling corruption. On the basis of a multidisciplinary approach, it applies action-learning methods to link empirical diagnostic surveys, their practical application, collective action, and prevention. It periodically releases the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) and country diagnostics. This integrated approach is supported by operational research and a comprehensive governance databank.
A Users’ Guide to Measuring Corruption
UNDP and Global Integrity,, provide government, civil society and development practitioners with good practices in measuring corruption. Available in English, Spanish and French,
Public Financial Management: Performance Measurement Framework
PEFA Secretariat, World Bank (2005), Available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin, Ukrainian, Turkish, Armenian, Serbian, and Vietnamese.
Anticorruption Assessment Handbook,
USAID, prepared by Bertram I. Spector, Michael Johnston and Svetlana Winbourne (February 2009),
Assessing the Transparency of Defence Budgets and Budgeting
Todor Tagarev, “A Means of Comparing Military Budgeting Processes in South East Europe,” Information & Security. An International Journal 11 (2003): 95-135.
Databases Accessible Online
Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index
Since 1995, Transparency International (TI) assesses Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). By 2008, TI provides CPI data for 180 countries. The data can be retrieved in the form of an Excel sheet from or
Global Corruption Barometer
A survey, conducted since 2003, assesses general public attitudes toward and experience of corruption in dozens of countries around the world. The 2009 survey covered 69 countries. Reports are published by Transparency International in English, French, and Spanish.
Bribe Payers Index
The TI Bribe Payers Index evaluates the supply side of corruption – the likelihood of firms from the world’s industrialised countries to bribe abroad. Full reports from 1999, 2002, 2006, and 2008 are available at
Worldwide Governance Indicators
World Bank
As of 2009, the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project reports aggregate and individual governance indicators for 212 countries and territories over the period 1996-2008, for six dimensions of governance, including “control of corruption.”
Open Budget Index
Open Budget Initiative conducts surveys bi-annually. The open Budget 2008 rankings are available for free download in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese,
and Spanish. The English version of the full report is available at
Public Expenditure & Financial Acountability (PEFA)
PEFA assesses public financial management by country. Reports are available at
Selected Monographs and Reports
Building Integrity and Defence Institution Building, Conference Report (Monterey, CA: 25–27 February 2009).
Mark Pyman, Peter Foot and Philipp Fluri, eds., Building Transparency and Reducing Corruption in Defence, Workshop Proceedings (Geneva & Lugansk: May 2008), International Geneva workshop on building integrity May 2008.pdf.
Nils Roseman, Code of Conduct: Tool for Self-Regulation for Private Military and Security Companies, Occasional Paper #15 (Geneva: DCAF, 2008).
Rasma Karklins, The System Made Me Do It. Corruption in Post-Communist Societies (New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2005).
The World Bank, “Measuring Corruption: Myths and Realites,” Findings 273 (April 2007).
United States Government Accountability Office, Defense Contracting Integrity (Washington, D.C.: GAO, 2009).
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